Longmont Elks 1055 Charity Tournament Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation: Twin Peaks Golf Course   |   Monday August 11, 2025

Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation

Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation

Mark Bodnarczuk is a husband to Elin Larson, and the father of Thomas Larson Bodnarchuk who is “forever 18” and at home with his Father in heaven.   Mark Bodnarchuk joined the Elks in 2024 for the primary reason that the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks has the largest Drug Awareness Program in the United States.  Through the Elks Drug Awareness program and in conjunction with the Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation,  established by Mark and Elin, Mark feels called to action to warn others about the dangers of the recreational use of prescription medications, and self-medicating in the age of counterfeit pills and fentanyl poisoning. With an estimated 250 million counterfeit pills in circulation in the United States, thousands of unsuspecting victims like Thomas are poisoned each year by this dark crime.

“Thomas’ death changed the direction of my life – a process I describe in my memoir, Finding New Life After the Death of My Son. In a sense, I’ve switched roles with Thomas. Normally, children carry-on the legacy of their parents. But now I feel a sense of duty and calling to carry my son’s memory forward so that every time his name is mentioned, and someone is moved or changed by his story, Thomas still has a real impact on life.”

Thomas’ Story

Thomas Larson Bodnarczuk was a light that burned brightly. In the 18 years that he lived, he had a powerful impact on the lives of countless people, including his family, friends, neighbors, and the world around him. Over his years as a Boy Scout and Eagle Scout, he did numerous community service projects. Thomas had a heart for the poor, the needy, and the destitute. For the last 12 years of his life, Thomas sponsored a young Ethiopian boy named Daniel with his own money through Compassion International – a Christian non-profit organization that works with 1.9 million children, through 8,000 international church partners around the world to positively impact the long-term development of children living in poverty. Thomas also had a burden for, and helped support, one of the poorest, most neglected cross-sections of American society; Native Americans through Native American Aid – a non-profit organization that serves thousands of Indian people suffering from hunger, isolation, and poverty on remote reservations in South Dakota and surrounding states, where unemployment often exceeds 85%, and average annual income may be as low as $600.

Thomas came home from work at 9:10 PM on Saturday, May 1, 2021. Mark and his wife Elin chatted with him about how things went at work and then he went to his room.

Thomas wanted to calm his fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic that quarantined him in his home, and other things that 18-year-olds care too much about in a world gone mad. He took what he thought was a prescription Xanax pill that he bought on Snap Chat for fifteen dollars. But it was a counterfeit pill that contained over three-times the lethal dose of fentanyl. He died in his bed at about 10 PM that night. Mark and his wife Elin found Thomas’ cold, lifeless body on Sunday May 2, 2021, when they went to wake him for their on-line church service.

In addition to the Elks National Durg Awareness program the Longmont Elks, 2025 Golf Outing, is supporting the Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation founded by Mark Bodnarczuk at the Grace Commons Church in Boulder Colorado.  The Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation is focused on funding Grace Commons middle school, high school, college ministries to help get the word out about counterfeit pills the risks associated with them and to save lives.

07:00 AM Players and Sponsors Begin Arriving Twin Peaks Golf Course
08:15 AM Introductions and Scramble Rules Review Club House
08:30 AM Shot Gun Start Assigned Tees
01:30 PM Lunch and Awards Elks Lodge 306 Coffman, Longmont, CO



08:00 AM

Start Time




Per Hole


Per Group

Twin Peaks Golf Course

1200 Cornell Dr
Longmont, Colorado, United States

Phone: +1 (303) 651-8401
Web: http://www.golflongmont.com/twin-peaks/