Dennis Klein
303-776-1055 or 847-373-2861
Longmont Elks 1055 Charity Tournament Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation: Twin Peaks Golf Course | Monday August 11, 2025
Tournament Objectives
What is the tournament all about? One of the main objectives of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks organization is to support the community and our country through community involvement including the support of charities. This golf scramble is just one example of how we raise funds for charitable purposes. Events such as this golf outing is opportunity to publicly demonstrate the Elk mission and for the public to see it in action.
Will the Elks keep these donations/funds or any portion of them? For this event, our goal is to donate approximately 90% of the funds raised to specific charities. Any excess funds will help to support the Elks operations to continue its missions.
The Major charity for this event is Elks Drug Awareness / Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation
Thomas Bodnarczuk was a light that burned brightly. In the 18 years that he lived, he had a powerful impact on the lives of countless people, including his family, friends, neighbors, and the world around him. Thomas, who was a Boy Scout and Eagle Scout, did numerous community service projects. Thomas had a heart for the poor, the needy, and the destitute. He personally sponsored a young Ethiopian boy named Daniel using his own money through Compassion International – a Christian non-profit organization that works around the world to positively impact the long-term development of children living in poverty. Thomas also had a burden for, and helped support, one of the poorest, most neglected cross-sections of American society; Native Americans through Native American Aid – another non-profit organization that serves thousands of Native Americans suffering from hunger, isolation, and poverty.
Thomas came home from work at 9:10 PM on Saturday, May 1, 2021. His parents, Mark and Elin chatted with him about how things went at work and then he went to his room.
Thomas wanting to calm his fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic that quarantined him in his home, and other things that 18-year-olds care too much about in a world gone mad. He took what he thought was a prescription Xanax pill that he bought from a friend on Snap Chat for fifteen dollars. But it was a counterfeit pill that contained over three-times the lethal dose of fentanyl. Thomas died in his bed at about 10 PM that night. Mark and Elin found Thomas’ cold, lifeless body on Sunday May 2, 2021, when they went to wake him for their on-line church service.
“Thomas’ death changed the direction of my life – said Mark Bodnarczuk, “I’ve switched roles with Thomas. Normally, children carry-on the legacy of their parents. But now I feel a sense of duty and calling to carry my son’s memory forward so that every time his name is mentioned, and someone is moved or changed by his story, Thomas still has a real impact on life.”
The Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation is focused on funding Grace Commons middle school, high school, and college ministries to help get the word out about counterfeit pills the risks associated with them and to save lives.
What other charities do the ELKS support? The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks are a patriotic organization founded February 16, 1868. The Elks through its Elks National Foundation and nearly 1900 Lodges across the country work to improve the lives of Veterans, seniors, and our youth. This help comes in the form of direct grants, scholarships and other means such as medical equipment donations, food drives, blood drives and many other ways.
How much will the charity receive? The actual amount of money donated to the charity will depend largely on the sponsor and contributor participation as well as the number of golfers playing. Charity donations will come from both sponsors/contributors and players. Based on previous and similar events the working budget estimates approximately $15,000 will be raised for the charity.
How many sponsors do expect to participate? Again, this quite dependent on may circumstances, the business climate, other events seeking donations, solicitation volunteers, etc. To reach our minimum goal it will take a mixture of, gold, silver and bronze sponsorships along with numerous hole and sign contributors. We will thankfully accept any donation large or small to benefit this cause. If you’re willing to sponsor a more generous offer we would consider giving an exclusive position in the sponsors gratitude area.
How can I or my business participate? By making a donation directly to the event through direct sponsorship, including hole sponsors, advertising, purchasing or sponsoring golf participants or any other donations in-kind be they, cash, gift certificate, store credit, merchandise, etc
What can my business expect in return for my contribution? Please refer to sponsor flyer. In addition to the signage and sponsor acknowledgements gold, silver, and bronze sponsors will have full control of golfer selection. Your golfer selection can include your customers, employees, family, friends, etc. Sponsor signage (generally 12x18 with a wire bottom) will be highly visible, other on course competition prizes will be recognized during awards presentation. Other sponsors will have their names included with-in a tournament publication. Your business representative may award the prizes or gifts if it so desired. Note: if your sponsor level includes a tent the tent and any table(s) must be provided by the sponsor. The tent can be a maximum of 10’x10’.
What if the scramble is canceled before it begins? At this time, we do not have a contingency date in mind. As we get closer to the golf date and if the weather is looking poor that is when the tournament organizers and golf course will look into some options. (Push the start time to later in the day. Choose a different day of the week, move the tournament to the following week or a different day all together. These are just a few options.
If I’m not golfing, can I (we) attend the scramble or lunch? Gold, Silver, Bronze sponsors are invited for lunch if they are not playing in the golf scramble. If other non-players want to attend the lunch and awards ceremony there will be small fee for the lunch meal.
How do I pay for my sponsorship/donation? Although credit cards are accepted, to maximize donations, we ask that Gold, Silver, or Bronze sponsorship be paid by cash or company check. Player fees can be paid by cash, check, or card.
Is the sponsorship/donation tax deductible? Yes, you will receive a letter from the Longmont Elks acknowledging and documenting your tax-deductible contribution.
THE GOLF SCRAMBLE: Can anyone sign up to play? Yes, the golf scramble is open and all are welcome. This is a charity event open to any golfer and all skill levels of golfer are welcome. You may enter your own foursome or others will be assigned to a team or a player can request to be placed on a certain unfilled team. Maximum players will be 144, All golfer fees must be paid 10 days prior to golf date. If scramble is filled a waiting list will be available if a vacancy occurs. Cancellations must be made no later than five days prior to golf date. At this time there is no rain-date. Standard scramble rules apply. Minimum drives per player required. Longest drive, closest to the pin, longest putt. Mulligans will be available for purchase at the course. Tournament official determines all disputes and rule issues.
AWARDS, PRIZES AND LUNCH: Lunch is included and will follow approximately a half hour after completion of the scramble. The lunch will be hosted at the Longmont Elks Lodge, 306 Coffman Longmont, CO. The menu will include; Burgers, brats, sides. a cash bar will be available.
Prizes, awards and raffles to begin near end of lunch.
The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Longmont 1055 along with the Thomas Bodnarczuk Foundation founders, Mark Bodnarczuk and Elin Larson thank you for considering and supporting our cause.
07:00 AM | Players and Sponsors Begin Arriving | Twin Peaks Golf Course |
08:15 AM | Introductions and Scramble Rules Review | Club House |
08:30 AM | Shot Gun Start | Assigned Tees |
01:30 PM | Lunch and Awards | Elks Lodge 306 Coffman, Longmont, CO |
1200 Cornell Dr
Longmont, Colorado, United States
+1 (303) 651-8401